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Liletta Review

Liletta is a hormonal intrauterine device and reliable protection against pregnancy. The IUD has a T-shape for a better matching with the type of the uterus. The rod is an elastic plastic cylinder. This device daily releases a small quantity of levonorgestrel into the blood of a woman. It is similar to the natural human hormone progesterone. The system is inserted into the uterus for 3 years.

Liletta is considered the most effective contraception. It is reliable, long-term, and has advantages over other types of IUD devices since it combines besides the properties of the intrauterine device and hormonal contraception. According to medical statistics, only 2 out of 1000 women using this system have an unplanned pregnancy.


Indications for use

  • Prevention of unwanted pregnancy;
  • Therapy for the female reproductive system

Mechanism of action

This means of contraception can protect a woman from an unwanted pregnancy for as long as 3 years. Liletta combines the properties of IUD devices and hormonal contraceptives, which provides it with a unique uniqueness and popularity. The principle of action of such an IUD can be compared with sterilization. However, a woman can at any time remove the product from the uterine cavity without loss of reproductive function. The intrauterine device Liletta perfectly matches the profile of the uterus. Due to the release of levonorgestrel, the growth of the uterine wall is suspended. Therefore, even in case of penetration of the egg into the uterine cavity, pregnancy does not occur since the zygote can not gain a foothold and soon dies. In addition, the substance released by this IUD makes the cervical mucus thicker and more viscous, which prevents penetration of the spermatozoa into the uterus, by reducing their mobility.

It is important to remember that Liletta does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases!

Mode of application and dosage

This intrauterine device (IUD) can be installed by the attending physician at any time if the woman is not pregnant. It is recommended to inject this system not earlier than one and a half months after delivery. Liletta is perfectly safe when a woman is breastfeeding. The hormone device is injected into the uterine cavity during the first 7 days after the onset of the menstrual cycle. Additional contraceptives are not needed. Before the introduction of the device, the doctor must conduct a gynecological examination, take swabs and other necessary tests that would reveal infections or inflammations. This type of contraception can be safely inserted several times in a row.

Initially, levonorgestrel is released at a rate of 19.5 mcg per day. This rate decreases to 17.0 mcg per day in 1 year, 14.8 mcg per day in 2 years, 12.9 mcg per day in 3 years and 11.3 mcg per day in 4 years.


Do not use Liletta if you have:

  • various liver diseases;
  • thrombosis;
  • breast cancer;
  • severe diseases, infections, various cancers;
  • intolerance to levonorgestrel

Before using this intrauterine device, it is essential to consult a doctor, get a qualified consultation and comprehensive information on this contraceptive.

Side Effects

  • Digestive system: nausea, vomiting; rarely – flatulence, abdominal cramps;
  • Sexual system: rarely – changes in the process of menstruation, dysmenorrhea, chloasma, tension, increase, a secretion from the mammary glands, vaginal candidiasis, a change in cervical secretion;
  • Metabolism: rarely – increase or decrease in body weight;
  • Allergic reactions: rarely – skin rash;
  • Vision: rarely – changes in curvature of the cornea, intolerance of contact lenses.


  • Rifampicin, phenytoin, primidone, barbiturates may reduce the contraceptive effect of levonorgestrel;
  • When used simultaneously with ampicillin, sulfamethoxypyridazine, chloramphenicol, nitrofurantoin and neomycin, intermenstrual bleeding may increase;
  • Levonorgestrel can reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulants for oral administration, antihypertensive, anticonvulsant and hypoglycemic agents;
  • The contraceptive can disrupt the processes of oxidative metabolism of diazepam and chlordiazepoxide, which leads to cumulation in the plasma of the latter;
  • Smoking can reduce the contraceptive effect of the medication.

Liletta and pregnancy

When a woman decides to plan her pregnancy, she can do it immediately after the withdrawal of the device from the uterus. In rare cases, this process can last up to six months.

Liletta IUD cannot be used during pregnancy. However, It’s unknown how levonorgestrel affects the fetus since the onset of pregnancy after the installation of this system is very rare. The use of the hormonal device during breastfeeding does not affect the development of the baby and does not affect the quality or quantity of breast milk.

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