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TriNessa Review

TriNessa is a combination birth control pill that contains 2 female hormones, ethinyl estradiol (estrogen) and norgestimate (progesterone).


Indications for use

TriNessa is indicated for the prevention of pregnancy and the treatment of moderate acne vulgaris in female teenagers who at least 15 years of age.

Mechanism of action

It’s a combined triphase oral contraceptive, which has an effect on the hypothalamic-hypophyseal system and cervical mucus, thus preventing ovulation.

Dosage and mode of application

TriNessa pack contains 28 pills of different colors that differ in the amount of hormones.

  • Each white tablet contains 0.180 mg of norgestimate and 0.035 mg of ethinyl estradiol.
  • Each light blue tablet contains 0.215 mg of norgestimate and 0.035 mg of ethinyl estradiol.
  • Each blue tablet contains 0.250 mg of norgestimate and 0.035 mg of ethinyl estradiol.
  • Dark green tablets contain no medication and are used as reminders.

You need to take one pill daily for 28 days in a row, without intervals and at the same time of the day. As soon as your pack is empty, start a new one, without interruptions.


Contraindications for TriNessa include:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • thromboembolism,
  • antithrombin deficiency 3,
  • cerebrovascular disorders,
  • ischemic heart disease,
  • sickle cell anemia,
  • breast carcinoma and endometrium,
  • other estrogen-dependent neoplasms,
  • bleeding from the urogenital tract of unknown etiology,
  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding period;
  • impaired liver function,
  • liver tumor.

Side Effects

Stop using TriNessa birth control pills if you have the following side effects:

  • nausea, vomiting, dizziness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • uncontrolled bleeding;
  • impaired liver and kidney function.


TriNessa may interact with the following drugs and products:

  • phenytoin;
  • barbiturates;
  • carbamazepine;
  • bosentan;
  • felbamate;
  • griseofulvin;
  • oxcarbazepine;
  • rifampicin;
  • topiramate;
  • rifabutin;
  • rufinamide;
  • aprepitant;
  • St. John’s wort;
  • atorvastatin;
  • rosuvastatin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • acetaminophen;
  • itraconazole;
  • voriconazole;
  • fluconazole;
  • grapefruit juice;
  • ketoconazole;
  • nelfinavir;
  • ritonavir;
  • nevirapine;
  • etravirine;
  • colesevelam;
  • cyclosporine;
  • prednisolone;
  • theophylline;
  • tizanidine;
  • voriconazole;
  • acetaminophen;
  • clofibric acid;
  • morphine;
  • salicylic acid;
  • temazepam;
  • lamotrigine

Consult your doctor to get a full information about TriNessa interactions with other drugs.


You should take these birth control pills with caution if you have heart and liver dysfunction, hypertension, fluid retention, diabetes, glucose intolerance, bronchial asthma, gallbladder disease, varicose veins, bladder fibromyoma, depression, epilepsy,

The use of hormonal contraceptives is associated with an increased risk of thromboembolism, myocardial infarction, and a stroke. The risk increases with age, especially in women who smoke a lot (more than 15-20 cigarettes a day). Therefore, women over the age of 35 using TriNessa are strongly advised to quit smoking. Sometimes the increased risk persists for several years after the withdrawal of oral contraception.

The medication does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and work with complex mechanisms.

What if I miss a dose?

If you forgot to take a pill, but no more than 12 hours passed, TriNessa remains effective for pregnancy prevention. If the interval exceeds 12 hours, its effectiveness decreases and it is necessary to use additional barrier methods of contraception (such as condoms).

TriNessa and pregnancy

The contraceptive can affect the quantity and quality of milk in the mammary glands. A small amount of hormones can penetrate into the milk. The fact that TriNessa can influence a nursing baby was not proven. However, women should not use oral contraceptives until they stop breastfeeding. Since breastfeeding women are not fully protected from the possibility of becoming pregnant, additional barrier contraception is recommended. The use of hormonal birth control pills in the early stages of pregnancy can cause developmental defects in newborns.


This birth control was the best why did it have to be discontinued! Will it come back on market?? No side effects!
- Dina

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