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Mylan Review

Mylan is an oral contraceptive. These birth control pills are the generic brand of Ortho Tri-Cyclen. This is a combination of female hormones (estrogen and progestin) that prevent the release of an egg from the ovaries (ovulation).


Indications for use

  • Oral contraception.

Mechanism of action

The action of this combined oral contraceptive is determined by the central and peripheral mechanisms. By suppressing the release of gonadotropins, it prevents the maturation of eggs in the ovaries and ovulation, increases the viscosity of cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus, and acts on the endometrial epithelium, reducing the likelihood of ovulation.

Dosage and mode of application

Mylan contains 21 active pills each containing norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol and 7 inert pills (hormone-free).

The pills are taken orally, starting from the first day of your period. Take 1 pill a day for 28 consecutive days, if possible at the same time of day (for example, before going to bed). After taking the last active pill, you will l have a menstrual-like bleeding as a result of the drug withdrawal. Begin a new package of Mylan without making a break (on the same day of the week). Take this medication as long as you want to prevent pregnancy. When taken properly, the contraceptive effect is maintained for 7 hormone-free days.


An overdose of Mylan (norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol) causes vomiting, nausea and vaginal bleeding. There is no specific antidote. An overdose is treated with gastric lavage (done within the first hour after taking the drug) and symptomatic therapy.

Side effects

Common Mylan side effects include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite, bleeding, cholelithiasis (exacerbation), kidney disease (exacerbation), breast engorgement, headache, depression, fluid retention in the body, changes in body weight, decreased libido, chloasma, decreased glucose tolerance, increase in blood pressure.

If you experience any adverse reactions after taking the medication, stop using it and contact your health care provider.


Mylan has the following contraindications for use: hypersensitivity, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, antithrombin III deficiency, cerebrovascular disorders, coronary heart disease, sickle cell anemia, breast and endometrial carcinoma, other estrogen-dependent neoplasms, bleeding from the urogenital organs of unknown etiology, pregnancy, lactation, liver failure, liver tumor, lipid metabolism disorders, diabetes mellitus (severe forms), arterial hypertension, hemolytic anemia, otosclerosis.

Use with caution: diseases of the liver and gallbladder, epilepsy, depression, ulcerative colitis, uterine fibroids, mastopathy, tuberculosis, kidney disease, adolescence (without regular ovulatory cycles).


Barbiturates, some antiepileptic drugs (carbamazepine, phenytoin), sulfonamides, pyrazolone derivatives can increase the metabolism of steroid hormones that make up the drug. A decrease in effective concentration can also be observed with simultaneous administration with certain antibiotics (ampicillin, rifampicin), which is associated with a change in the microflora in the intestine. When taking progestogen-estrogen agents, it may be necessary to adjust the dosing regimen of hypoglycemic drugs.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Mylan is contraindicated for use in pregnant women.

Epidemiological studies have not found an increased risk of birth defects in children whose mothers took oral contraceptives before pregnancy. Most current studies have also not found teratogenic effects in the offspring of women who mistakenly took oral contraceptives during pregnancy.

Combined oral contraceptives can affect lactation, that is, reduce the amount and change the composition of breast milk. In addition, a small part of contraceptive steroids and / or their metabolites can pass into breast milk. In this regard, the medication is contraindicated during breastfeeding.

What if I miss a pill?

If the delay in taking an active pill does not exceed 12 hours, you should take the missed pill and then continue taking pills according to your schedule. If the delay is over 12 hours, then birth control effect in this period cannot be guaranteed, and you need to use additional birth control methods, such as condoms.

If you miss 1 pill in the first or second week of your period, you need to take 2 pills the next day and then return to your regular schedule, using additional birth control methods until the end of your period. If you miss 1 pill in the third week of your period, you need to use additional birth control methods, such as condoms. In addition, you should skip 7 inert pills and start a new Mylan package.

Missing active pills increases the risk of getting pregnant, so in such cases, you should use additional birth control methods. If you missed any inert pills, you may throw them away since they are hormone-free and act as reminders.


After cessation of treatment, the function of the female genital glands is quickly restored to its full extent, which ensures a normal ability to conceive. Use after childbirth or abortion (miscarriage) is recommended no earlier than the first normal period.

It is recommended to undergo general medical and gynecological examination before you start using Mylan and every 6 months (including examination of the mammary glands, liver function, control of blood pressure and cholesterol concentration in the blood, urinalysis). During lactation, milk production may decrease in the first period of taking the drug. Small amounts are excreted in breast milk. Women who smoke and take hormonal contraceptives have an increased risk of developing vascular diseases with serious consequences (myocardial infarction, stroke). The risk increases with age and with the number of cigarettes smoked (especially in women over 35). Diarrhea and vomiting may reduce the contraceptive effect (in this case, you need to continue using the drug + to use additional non-hormonal methods of contraception, such as condoms).

Stop using the medication immediately if you get pregnant, if you develop migraine-like headaches, early signs of phlebitis or phlebothrombosis (unaccustomed pain or swelling of the veins in the legs), jaundice, visual disturbances, cerebrovascular disorders, stabbing pains of unclear etiology when breathing or coughing, pain and tightness in the chest, hypertension. You also need to stop using Mylan 3 months before the planned pregnancy and approximately 6 weeks before the planned surgical intervention with prolonged immobilization. Moderate bleeding during the course does not require discontinuation of birth control. If you have severe bleeding, stop using the contraceptive and consult a doctor. Efficiency of the birth control pill decreases with regular use of ethanol.

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