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Sharobel Review

Sharobel is a progestin-only oral contraceptive. The product contains a female hormone known as norethisterone. It is used to prevent pregnancy.


Indications for use

  • Contraception;
  • Menstrual disorders;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding due to a hormone imbalance.

Mechanism of action

Norethisterone causes transformation of the mucous membrane of the uterus from the proliferation phase to the secretory phase. After fertilization, it promotes its transition to a state favorable for the development of a fertilized egg. The substance reduces the excitability and contractility of the musculature of the uterus, stimulates the development of the end elements of the breast, inhibits the secretion of the pituitary gonadotropin, preventing the maturation of follicles and ovulation.

Dosage and mode of application

Take 1 tablet daily with a glass of water at the same time each day, regardless of food. Follow the instructions on the packaging. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.

This medicine can only be used in women who have already started menstrual periods.

Side effects

Sharobel tablets can cause the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • metrorrhagia;
  • peripheral edema;
  • allergic reactions (skin rash, itching);
  • paresthesia;
  • weight gain;
  • fatigue;
  • thromboembolism.


Sharobel is contraindicated for use in the following conditions:

  • hypersensitivity to norethisterone and other drug components;
  • pregnancy (except for cases of miscarriage);
  • cholestatic jaundice of pregnancy;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • hepatic insufficiency;
  • herpes;
  • neoplasm of genitals and mammary glands;
  • a propensity to thrombosis;
  • obesity.


The drug may interact with hypoglycemic agents, oral anticoagulants, GCS. It is not recommended to combine Sharobel with barbiturates, hydantoins, rifampicin.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is not indicated for use in pregnancy.

Norethisterone inhibits lactation, so if you need to use these birth control pills during this period, you should stop breastfeeding.

What if I miss a pill?

Try not to miss a dose of Sharobel. Missing a pill increases your chances of becoming pregnant.

  • If you miss 1 pill, take it as soon as possible. Take further pills according to your usual schedule. Use additional non-hormonal contraception methods for the next 48 hours;
  • If you miss more than 1 pill, use additional non-hormonal birth control methods for the rest of your pack until you have menstruation. Consult your gynecologist if you have missed more than 1 pill.


Before taking the drug, it is necessary to conduct a general medical and gynecological examination of the patient, including a breast examination, and also exclude pregnancy.

When using Sharobel tablets, a control examination should be performed at a 6-month interval, with special attention to the liver condition and the presence of coagulation disorders.

The contraceptive does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle and work with mechanisms.

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