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Kelnor 1 / 50 Review

Kelnor 1 / 50 is a combination birth control pill containing 2 female hormones, ethinyl estradiol and ethynodiol diacetate that are used to prevent ovulation.


Indications for use

  • Oral contraception.

Mechanism of action

The effect of the drug is associated with the inhibition of ovulation in connection with the depressing effect on the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland. The drug inhibits the course of the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle, causes temporary atrophic changes in the endometrium and disrupts the ability to implant a fertilized egg

Dosage and mode of application

Kelnor 1 / 50 is taken orally, 1 tablet per day (preferably one at the same time for 28 days, starting from the 1st day of the menstrual period). A new pack should be started without breaks according to the same scheme. The contraceptive effect is provided only with the regular use of tablets according to the instructions.


Cases of overdose with Kelnor 1 / 50 have not been reported.

Side effects

The drug can cause the following side effects: headache, gastralgia, nausea, vomiting, soreness and engorgement of the mammary glands, intermenstrual bleeding, weight gain, fluid retention in the body, changes in libido, mood changes, eyelid edema, skin rash, nodal erythema, conjunctivitis, unpleasant sensations when wearing contact lenses, impaired perception (visual impairment, hearing loss, flickering before the eyes), thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, generalized itching, cholestatic jaundice, cholelithiasis, increased blood pressure, amenorrhea, uterus, aggravation of manifestations of endometriosis, candidiasis of the vagina, chloasma.


Absolute contraindications to the use of Kelnor 1 / 50 are pregnancy, age under 16 years, breastfeeding, breast cancer, hepatitis, thrombosis predisposition, severe heart disease, chronic colitis, endocrine gland diseases, individual intolerance. Relative contraindications are varicose veins, epilepsy, hypertension, mental illness accompanied by depression, diabetes mellitus.


Kelnor 1 / 50 reduces the effectiveness of oral anticoagulants, anxiolytics (diazepam), tricyclic antidepressants, guanethidine, theophylline, caffeine, vitamins, hypoglycemic drugs, clofibrate, GCS, paracetamol. Rifampicin, isoniazid, ampicillin, neomycin, penicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, nitrofuran derivatives, griseofulvin, barbiturates, carbamazepine, primidone, phenylbutazone, analgesics, anxiolytics, antimigraine drugs reduce effectiveness, contribute to the occurrence of bleeding “breakthrough”. The contraceptive efficiency decreases with regular excessive use of ethanol.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Kelnor 1 / 50 is contraindicated during pregnancy. If pregnancy has occurred when on birth control pills, a patient must immediately stop taking the medication.

What if I miss a pill?

If a woman forgot to take a pill on time, the missed pill should be taken as soon as possible. The next pills should be taken at the usual time.


The risk of cardiovascular complications increases with smoking (especially after 35 years). Before taking the pills, as well as every 6 months, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

The drug is canceled immediately if the following symptoms appear: early signs of phlebitis (inflammation of the vein wall), thrombosis (clotting of blood vessels), embolism (vascular obstruction) – bloating, unusual pain in the legs, chest pain when breathing or coughing, a feeling of contraction in the chest, first appeared migraine headaches, sudden hearing and vision impairments, motor disorders.

The drug is withdrawn 6 weeks before the planned surgical procedures.

The risk of thrombosis increases with high blood pressure.

Kelnor 1 / 50 should be canceled with hepatitis, jaundice, itching, cholestasis (stasis of bile in the bile ducts), frequent epileptic seizures, primary or secondary porphyria (a disease associated with impaired porphyrin/pigment metabolism).

Vomiting or diarrhea can lead to the withdrawal of the Kelnor 1 / 50 active substances from the body, so in those cases where these symptoms persist within 1 day, an additional tablet must be taken. If these symptoms persist for a longer time, you should temporarily resort to other methods of birth control (condoms).

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